Why is this now increasingly popular Sufism people? Modern man is actually a human who experienced alienation (alienation) of the soul. Competition in the scramble thing was tiring of mind. Tensions often experienced in life. In modern life, people are often trapped by false happiness-happiness. That is, happiness is engineered, not the happiness that grows from within man himself.
In modern life people promised with status, position, certificates, brand, and various symbols. Finally, the human mind attached to these masks. If it was trapped by the mask of life, people feel proud of themselves and flattered. That in certain circumstances lead to forget himself. Well, to confront these problems, psychological problems exist that run to various kinds of entertainment from the mild to the most severe of "drugs" and some are looking for a peaceful solution with the following religious activities. Apparently, the perceived direct contact with the coolness of the heart is "Sufism".
That is why Sufism today attracted many people, both by Muslims themselves, and those non-Muslims. Even in Europe and America today many non-Muslims who are members of the congregation of Sufism.
Of course this can cause jealousy among Muslims formalist, that Muslims are more outward adherence to the rule of religious or Shari'a. Facing the rapid development of this formalism was losing prestige. Therefore, some people (not many) among this formalism to write a book criticizing the teachings of Sufism, and some even bear to malign that Sufism is misleading people.
People who blame and condemn heretical Sufism are the ones who do not understand the teachings of Sufism, in essence they do not understand the teachings of Islam as a whole. They consider Sufism was born from the outside of Islam. To prove this they are looking for the definition of the word Sufism, which he says does not exist in the Al-Quran and Al Hadith. So, they are more preoccupied looking skin than searching the contents or substance of the teachings.
If only they realized that what was taught by mysticism manners or morals taught by the Apostle of Allah, then they will definitely stop criticizing the Sufis. Because what is practiced by the Apostles in the simplicity of his life, what is exemplified by Abu Bakr in the donated property, the example of Umar in the palace of his hut, and what was done by Ali ibn Talib in upholding justice, that is what is called Sufism , but some people who didn't know about this called it is a mysticism! and they were wrong absolutely wrong.
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