Surat Al Ahzab consists of 73 verses, one of those letters Madaniyah, revealed after the letter Ali'Imran. Named Al Ahzab which means that allied factions because in this letter are some verses, ie verses 9 through paragraph 27, which relate to the battle of Al Ahzab, the war being waged by the Jews, the hypocrites and the polytheists against believers in Medina. They have surrounded the meeting of the believers so that they have a party of despair and think that they would be destroyed by their enemies. This is a severe test from Allah to test the extent to which their faith firmly. Finally, God sent help in the form of an invisible army and typhoons, so that the enemies become chaotic and escape.
Principles of contents:
1. faith:
God alone suffices as a Protector; taqdir God can not be rejected; Prophet Muhammad is a good example and role model; Prophet Muhammad are the apostles and prophets of the latter; only God knows when the Hour.
2. The laws:
Zhihar law; position adopted child; basis of inheritance in Islam is inherited nasab relationship (consanguinity), no waiting period for women who divorced before mixed; specific laws concerning marriage and the obligations of the Prophet's wives; ban offends the Prophet.
3. The stories:
Ahzab War (Trench); story of Zainab bint Jahsh with Zaid; combat Quraizhah Bani.
4. And others:
Regret the unbelievers in the afterlife because they deny God and His Messenger properties of hypocrites.
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